Set up the kit Welcome to your Set up the kit How many needle I need for the procedure? one, 30G one, 16G two, 30G for the anesthesia and 16G for harvesting cannula three, 30G, 16G and a 21G for the injection cannula the syringes of the kit: syringes are all 60cc syringes are all 10cc syringes are all luer lock syringes syringes are all standard general-purpose needle tip la soluzione salina per preparare la soluzione di Klein deve avere la temperatura corporea (36 gradi) deve essere calda deve essere ineiettata in almeno 2 litri dovrebbe essere fredda, conservata in frigo what is the effect of the Klein solution? vasoconstriction anestesia overfilling of the donor area all of the previous answers what is the concentration of lidocaine in the Klein solution? 80mg in one liter 800mg in one liter 8g in one liter 1mg in one liter qual è il diametro della cannula per il prelievo di grasso? 1mm 2cm 2mm 1cm How much Klein solution is usually injected for a full face dermgraft harvesting? 40cc 240cc 120cc one liter what is the concentration of the adrenaline in the Klein solution? 1mg 1g 800mg 100mg what are the specificities (and the claims of the patent) of the Goisis cannula? the barbed edge of the holes the depressed edge the holes the rotational movement applied in order to harvest the graft all the previous answers what is the concentration of the adrenaline in the Klein solution? 1mg 1g 800mg 100mg the tissue that is harvested is a mixing of: bone marrow red cells, cells remnants fat cells, svf the last two the processing is based on: a closed system a patent system of mono directionals valves a patent system of filter all the previous answers in the patent filter for production of dermgraft, the first filter is: a 2 micron filter a 200 micron filter a 2 mm filter a 800 micron filter the nanofat: it is very efficient in face volumization it cannot create embolism it as to be very rich of red cells it is derived from bone marrow in the procedure of production of enriched nanofat: the classical microfat is enriched by SVF before emulsion the dermgraft is enriched by SVF after emulsion the fat cells are not destroyed stem cells from bone marrow are added the patent system for production of enriched nanofat is based on: one small filter one bigger filter specific valves all the previous answers the injection of enriched nanofat (ER): ER has to be injected in a deep plan because of it can create bumbs ER can be injected very superficially ER has to be injected with needle only ER has to be injected exclusively with cannula the injection of microfat: it cannot create embolism it is better to inject in a deep plan because of it can create bumbs it is necessary to use the sharp needle it is not possible to inject more then 4cc in a single session the injection of enriched nanofat (ER): ER has to be injected in a deep plan because of it can create bumbs it is effective in adding voume it is effective in biorevitalization ER has to be injected exclusively with needle The Goeasy kit has to be opened: on a sterile table covered by sterile drapes on a clean table without drapes the outer enevelope of the syringes has to be touched only with sterile gloves the syringes can be touched even without gloves the GoEasy system has to be done: with dentist clean gloves with sterile gloves with sterile gloves, but with the same gloves you can open new syringes without gloves Time is Up! Previous Post Next Post